
1. Fundamental & applied thermodynamics

2. Heat & mass transfer, fluid dynamics

3. Exergy analysis & Second Law analysis

4. Exergy and Raw Materials

5. Process integration, simulation & optimization of energy systems

6. Thermoeconomic analysis & optimization

7. Biomass / biofuels, biorefinery concepts, waste-to-energy

8. Nonbiomass renewable energy: solar, wind, water, others & hydropower

9. Fossil energy: coal, oil, natural gas

10. Nuclear power

11. Chemical reactions & reaction engineering

12. Engines, furnaces & boilers, combustion/gasification

13. Cogeneration and waste energy recovery

14. Energy conversion, storage and transport

15. Buildings, urban & distributed energy systems

16. Refrigeration & air conditioning, Heat pumps

17. Fuel cells

18. System operation, control, diagnostics & prognosis

19. Carbon dioxide capture, utilization & storage

20. Energy & water interactions, use of water resources

21. Industrial production, sustainability & use of resources

22. Energy policy & planning

23. Energy systems: social, environmental & sustainability issues

24. Life Cycle Assessment, industrial ecology, environmental impact of energy systems

25. Sustainability analysis of energy systems and components

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